Latest Episodes

Episode 19 - Doing Well by Doing Good - Parashat Terumah
When Yitzach seeks advice on managing his funds, we learn an important lesson about using the gifts Hashem has given us in order to...

Episode 18 - Holy Cow - Parashat Mishpatim
When a farmer sells his cow to his neighbor, we learn an important lesson about how the mitzvot of the Torah become part of...

Episode 17 - The Grateful Paupers - Parashat Yitro
When Rabbi Yehuda's students have to share, we learn an important lesson about saying "Baruch Hashem" and showing gratitude for what we have.

Episode 16 - The Hidden Treasure - Parashat Beshalach
When Marcelino brings his daughter with him to work, we learn an important lesson about the importance of lifting our own perspective when faced...

Episode 15 - The Lunch Bunch - Parashat Bo
When a group of workers take their lunch break on a warm summer day, we learn an important lesson about the importance of building...

Episode 14 - Good News - Parashat Vaera
When Miriam loses a family heirloom, we learn a lesson about the importance of always expressing thanks to people that help us in small...